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Void Worm Effigies are decoration blocks that are obtained via crafting.



Item Ingredients Recipe
Void Worm Effigy 3 Purpur Blocks +
3 Ender Pearls +
1 Void Worm Beak
Void Worm Effigy Recipe


A Void Worm Effigy doesn't have any function and serves a purely decorative purpose.

It should be noted that once a Void Worm Effigy is placed, there is no way of getting it back, so place it wisely.

Decorations Banana Peel Banana PeelBison Fur Carpet Bison Fur CarpetBlock of Bison Fur Block of Bison FurBlock of Straddlite Block of StraddliteCrystallized Banana Slug Mucus Crystallized Banana Slug MucusEnder Residue Ender ResidueRainbow Glass Rainbow GlassStink Bottle Stink in a BottleVoid Worm Effigy Void Worm Effigy
Functional Blocks Banana Slug Slime Block Banana Slug Slime BlockCapsid Capsid • Eggs (Caiman Egg CaimanCrocodile Egg CrocodilePlatypus Egg PlatypusTerrapin Egg TerrapinTriops Eggs Triops) • Hummingbird Feeder Hummingbird FeederLeafcutter Ant Chamber Leafcutter Ant ChamberLeafcutter Anthill Leafcutter AnthillTransmutation Table Transmutation Table
Redstone Gustmaker GustmakerSculk Boomer Sculk BoomerVoid Worm Beak Void Worm Beak